Jan 8, 2012

Mcdonald's Japan 'Grand Canyon Burger'

Mcdonald's Japan 'Big American Burger' series are back!
However, I usually don't eat Junk food very much since I do cook a lot at home, I was waiting for this limited burger!
Yes, I'm lovin' it.

I have visited Grand Canyon once, it was beautiful, huge, scary, magnificent and wordless! As you know, Camera is no good taking nature photo.
@ Grand Canyon

Anyway, I ate Grand Canyon Burger at Mcdonalds today.

It's almost the same size as a Big Mac Burger.

I'm not sure how Grand Canyon supposed to taste like, well I think Grand Canyon Burger was fun and I'm pretty full with Big sized burger!

I think it's kind of expensive though...

Grand Canyon Burger : 420 yen
Grand Canyon Burger set : 740 yen (It's about $10!!! )

End of this month, Las vegas Burger is coming up. In February, Broadway Burger, and in March, Biverly Hills Burger will be release. 
I'm curious to taste those burgers...

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